Indicative Courses: Doctrinal Theology, Theological Method, Biblical Theology, Pneumatology, Christology, Ecclessiology, Contextual Theology, Theology & Contemporary IdeologiesResidential Faculty
Head of Department: Dr Nigel Ajay Kumar, PhD (SAIACS, 2012)
RZIM Chair of Apologetics: Dr Varughese John, PhD (Madras Christian College, University of Madras, 2006)
Faculty in training: Mr Stavan John, MTh (SAIACS, 2015)
Head of Department: Dr Nigel Ajay Kumar, PhD (SAIACS, 2012)
RZIM Chair of Apologetics: Dr Varughese John, PhD (Madras Christian College, University of Madras, 2006)
Faculty in training: Mr Stavan John, MTh (SAIACS, 2015)